
Caplletra 68 (Primavera, 2020)

Data de publicació: 15/06/2020
Nombre de pàgines: 292

CAPLLETRA 68. Primavera, 2020



Joan Molina Figueras

Paine  pour  joie.  The  Motto  of  Pere  de  Portugal,  a  prince  of  the  Late Middle Ages


Mònica Güell

Space and territory in the works of Ponç Pons. Notes for ecopoetics


Joan Giner Monfort

Geolinguistical study of the speech in La Safor


Gemma Rigau

Presence and absence of the locative clític hi


Monographic «Retrat de l’educació multilingüe», coordination by Laura Portolés & Pilar Safont

Presentation Laura Portolés

Multilingualism at school: educational trends and new challenges


Josep-Maria Baldaquí-Escandell

The Llei d’ús i ensenyament del valencià and the configuration of the Valencian multilingual

educational system


Maria Juan-Garau

Educating students with heritage languages: Present views and future challenges


Enric Llurda

Learning English to speak to the world: reflections around the teaching of English as a global

lingua franca


Otilia Martí

Content and language integrated learning: which language? How is it integrated? What for?




Table of contents